• A chicken that hatches a crocodile's eggs is looking for trouble. • Better to be guilty in the eyes of men than in the eyes of God. • Money is like a guest: it comes today, leaves tomorrow. • Poverty won't allow him to lift up his head; dignity won't allow him to bow it down. • Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly, but flooding the river.
• Sadness is a valuable treasure -- only discovered in people you love. • It is not the fire in the fireplace which warms the house, but the couple who get along well. • Don’t kick a sleeping dog. • The earth is God's bride -- she feeds the living and cherishes the dead. • kick not the canoe which helped you to cross the river.
• Nothing is so full of victory as patience. • Words are like eggs: when they are hatched they have wings. • Live your life like the chameleon, one eye on the future, one eye on the past.