Popular Turkish Proverbs
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• If the world is flooded, it wouldn't matter for the duck.

• When bribery enters through the door, faith goes out through the chimney

• Even if you know a thousand things, still ask someone who knows one thing.

• He who does evil to another, has done it to himself.

• Who goes near soot smells of soot, and who goes near musk smells of musk.

• Divorcing a wife is easy for a single guy.

• The value of youth will be known in old age.

• Not he who lived long knows, but he who traveled much knows.

• It is worms which destroy a tree, it is worry which destroys a human.

• If God closes the silver door He will open the golden door.

• To one who understands, a mosquito is a lute, to one who does not understand, a drum and zurna are little.
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